life and love

independent celebrant
kathryn sansom

07753 109223


Testimonials from Clients

‘It was lovely to meet you too and thanks so much for making the process so easy for mum on Friday; I know she was quite anxious about the meeting but was really pleased afterwards and now has absolute confidence that we will create a fitting farewell for dad.’

Mr H

‘Thank you for taking the time to meet with us last week, we all feel really comfortable with the way the service will proceed, your guidance has been invaluable..... Many thanks for all your help and support through this difficult time.’

Mrs F

‘Thank you for making a potentially difficult meeting so easy.’

Mrs S

‘Thank you for being so understanding and sensitive in our meeting on Wednesday.’

Mrs F

‘I have read the service you have written all the way through and it is absolutely perfect – Dad and I are thrilled - thank you.’

Mrs S

‘Mum was absolutely speechless after she'd read the whole service through for the first time this evening - she's so pleased with what you've written. We both are. Thank you.’

Mr H

‘It's perfect. Made me cry. I think it will put things in perspective for mum as well and hopefully help her start to process things. You are very good at what you do.’

Mrs M

‘I've now had chance to re-read and love what you’ve written even more. You've captured everything we wanted - I haven't sent it through to mum yet but will show her tomorrow. I know she'll absolutely approve.’

Mr H

‘I know that you work really hard and want you to know that on Monday, I will be rooting for you. I have enjoyed meeting you and think you deserve a lot of praise…Thank you for your kindness and your all help.’

Mrs H

‘Thank you everything Kathryn, you have been so very kind and your words are just perfect.’

Miss C

‘On behalf of the whole family, I must write to thank you for the way you conducted Mum’s funeral yesterday. Several people who did not catch you, before you left yesterday, have asked me to pass on their appreciation and best wishes. Everyone felt at ease with the proceedings and most comfortable with your delivery style. You somehow managed to lift the congregation a little away from miserable sadness towards the happier end of the spectrum of good memories. Kathryn, your personality and delivery style helped lighten the load at the time that the family’s burden was already almost too much to bear and for that we all thank you and will be ever grateful.’

Mr P

‘On behalf of the H_____ family I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful service you provided last Thursday at A____'s cremation. It was beautiful, it was moving, it was joyous & entertaining all at the same time. A fitting tribute to our brother without a doubt. The order of service was spot on, & we all found the service wording perfect for the occasion. I have provided Mum & Dad with a copy of the full service wording at their request, as they were so moved by it.’

Mr H

‘As a family we had wanted to thank you for the way in which you conducted the service, for dad's funeral earlier in November, so many people who attended said that they had never been to a service like it before, and they found it a moving occasion, so many thanks for your support and guidance in preparing the service, and for taking the service with such kindness and warmth, we really do appreciate all that you did to support us as a family, on what could have been a very wet, dull, depressing occasion, we felt peace, so thank you.’

Mrs F

‘Many friends and family commented on how well you caught the irrepressible spirit of our mother, and raised a few smiles amidst the sadness. It was a fitting tribute to a very special lady. With much gratitude…’

Mr and Mrs C

‘Just a quick note to thank you for delivering D____‘s service yesterday. I have received many comments as to how good the service was and it was exactly what my family had in mind for the occasion. My children and I valued your advice and guidance and it very much helped to make a difficult day special.’

Mr L

‘Many thanks for yesterday, your support and understanding of the whole family.’

Mrs J

‘Thank you Kathryn, that really was a lovely service. Everyone commented on how well you spoke - every word was very meaningful and was beautifully presented. Thank you.’

Mr P

‘I just wanted to say a big thank you for today. Everyone said that it was such a fitting tribute. It was and we had read it in advance but you so eloquently delivered it I felt that I was hearing it for the first time, which was lovely. Thank you so much.’

Ms S

‘Also many thanks for doing a great job…we all came away feeling that the service really reflected B_____. A very fitting way to celebrate her life and say goodbye.’

Mrs C

Testimonials from Funeral Directors and Arrangers

‘Thank you for making my families feel looked after and listened to in a very professional and caring way.’

‘Mr M____ came in on Monday to see me. He was really, really pleased with how you took the service in fact he said that you were a star and said that everything was perfect. Thanks once again for taking the service and I will be asking you to take more services in the future.’

‘Mrs F____ was very pleased that you are taking the service – when she rang us after meeting you she said that you were brilliant!’

‘I have just spoken to the family and they said you were “absolutely wonderful”!’